23rd, Union and Martin Luther King Jr. Way are busy streets but the rest of the streets were quite on this rainy morning. 23rd and Union are commercial houses a power substation
but the rest of the streets are residential. There are some large, older homes
but, more and more, multiplexes appear to be replacing them.
Most of the homes are well kept, a few could use some paint. Many gardens are lovely, a few could use some love. This is a hilly area sloping down to 29th.
This neighborhood is home to the Meredith Mathews East Madison Y (which was advertising swim lessons),
the Ebenezer A.M.E. Zion Church (which serves free lunch every Saturday afternoon),
Mount Calvary Christian Church,
Homer Harris Park (with its imaginative animal sculptures)
and Plum Tree Park.
Along the way, I saw a colorful mural,
staircases, palm trees, tiled streets names in sidewalks (and, unlike on some Ballard streets, the names correspond to the actual street names),
a slide that looked to be coming out of a space ship,
yard art,
garage art
and fence art which reminded me of the Gaudi-designed Park Guell.
The walk was much better than the weather!
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