
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Northern Ravenna and Eastern Roosevelt

Today's 4.4 mile jaunt took me to two neighborhoods as I walked the streets north of the Roosevelt Reservoir and southwest of Dahl Playfield. I covered the streets from 12th to 25th Avenue NE from NE 75th to 77th Street as well as a few streets due west of Dahl Playfield. The eastern portion is hilly and the western part is pretty flat.

Once I was one block from the busy streets of Lake City Way and 25th Avenue, this was an almost exclusively residential neighborhood. There were lots of lovely brick tudor homes and I had a great view of the reservoir. Quite a few vegetable gardens (some in parking strips). Many steets appeared to have recently planted curb side trees (which looked like fruit trees - some were already bearing apples). The area has sidewalks and curbs and I saw a few jogging strollers being pushed (mostly towards the playground at Dahl Playfield).

20th Avenue is home to LaVassar Florist (they did a nice job on my daughter's wedding) and the Roaring Mouse Art Studio. 25th and 75th is a commercial corner with a gas station, a small market, a nail salon and a 'take and bake' pizza store.

Many homes have alley access. A small stretch of Ravenna Avenue just north of 77th is home to some especially nice homes nestled on large, shady lots. I even saw a mail box on the southeast corner of 20th and 77th.

This neighborhood is bordered by the Roosevelt Reservoir, Dahl Palyfield, University Prep and the Picardo Farm Pea Patch. It is home to North Seattle Friends Church and a skinny, triangular house.

Another pleasant walk.

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