
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mount Baker

Mount Baker and a small part of Columbia City were the neighborhoods my gardening friend and I visited today for an 8 mile walk. We admired gardens between 38th and 43rd Avenues S from S Alaska to Horton Street.

This is a mostly residential area just west of Genesee Park. Most (but not all) streets have sidewalks and curbs and the area is neat and tidy with some very nice views of Lake Washington.

The northern end of this area is Mount Baker and is home to many very impressive residences.

The southern end is Columbia and the homes are more modest but many of the gardens are still impressive.

This area is home to palm trees, staircases,

Hawthorne Elementary School,

a Tilth garden,

Rainier Community Center, Genesee Park, the Columbia Station post office

and the Greater Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Church.

We passed the 1997 winner of the Best Creative Yard & Garden in 38th Avenue South

and an impressive example of a vintage greenhouse.

We ended our walk with a great lunch at the Both Ways Cafe. Another wonderful walk and another lovely neighborhood.

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