Green Lake Way cuts diagonally through this area; most of the homes north of Green Lake Way are single family but south of Green Lake Way appears to be a mix of apartments and single family homes. All of the streets have sidewalks and curbs and we didn't notice any potholes, probably because most of the streets were cement rather than asphalt.
Aurora, Green Lake Way, 45th, 50th and Stone Way are all busy streets but the other streets were quiet and tidy.
Woodland Park and the zoo border on 50th; we passed tennis courts, the zoo parking lots and the entrance to an area of picnic shelters.
50th passes under Aurora Avenue and we walked the underpass as far as Fremont Avenue.
Along Aurora, we saw a mural advertising Seattle Motion Picture Inc
and a Munichevo showroom with what looked like vintage cars in the windows.
Continuing on Aurora, we passed a pedestrian stairway leading down to
a muraled underpass.
North of Green Lake Way, we spotted some large signs which initially made us think we'd stumbled upon a restaurant but then made us think that someone was storing signage for Sustainabilaville.
South of Green Lake Way, we saw a sign for Divine Movement (pole dancing fitness for women), a tree with no leaves but lots of apples (there were even more on the sidewalk underneath it), a novel tree swing, a triangular area with shrubbery and a bench, the Off the Wall School of Music and a tiled bench in a parking strip.
This was an easy walk - the hardest part was trying to cross 50th Street where Stone Way, Green Lake Way and 50th intersect. We waited at the light which is not really timed for pedestrians.
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