
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Western Broadview

Today, my husband and I took a 5.1 mile walk through the quiet streets of western Broadview. We walked many of the streets between Puget Sound and 8th Avenue NW from NW 120th to 132nd Street.

The northern streets dead-ended into a sparsely populated green area. Houses here were impressive and lots were fairly large.

Streets east of 10th and west of 12th have fewer trees but spectacular views of the sound. Between 10th and 12th, the land was pretty flat and views were rare.

Streets felt very wide, probably because there were very few cars parked in front of houses. Alleys were common and only the streets along NW Blakely Court had curbs.

The only things detracting from this well-kept neighborhood were the open drainage ditches along the sides of many streets.

Quite a few view homes were for sale and the asking prices reflected the spectacular views.

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