Once again, I passed a stand of tall trees on Inghram High School property which the school district wants to cut down and the neighbors want left standing.
I was surprised by this neighborhood; I'd expected being so close to Aurora Avenue (Route 99), it would be noisy and mostly apartments and businesses. There was a lot of business along 99 and some about a block away but, the closer I got to Ashworth, the more single family homes I saw and many streets were almost country-like at this time of year. I noticed a proposed land use action sign on one quiet street, requesting a variance for an "Urban Village Overlay" which would divide a lot into two lots (and probably cut down some of the beautiful trees).
There was a lot of traffic along Aurora, 145th and 130th but the other streets were quiet. Once again, Roosevelt Way had the least amount of space for pedestrians.
I saw a few students (probably out for lunch) and passed a European Foods Store (which I'll visit if I ever want Russian food).
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